We've arrived at the end of the month already. It seems like we just started.
We are talking about fitness in this module and we have gone through the first two letters of the acronym PLAY. The first two were "prayerful movements" and "loosening breaks."
The A stands for "active games and aerobic activity." I am going to go straight out of the book on this one, pages 170-173, slightly edited.
And now, a few tips on getting into the rhythm of active games and aerobic activity. Again, quoting from the book:
One thing that we know about exercise physiology is that the body responds best to aerobic exercise that speeds up the heart rate followed by rest that brings the heart rate back down and then doing this again repetitively.
That's why it is good to work out hard for an interval followed by a couple of minutes of rest. An example would running for a block and walking for two blocks and then running again and walking again. Activities like tennis or squash have these intervals built into them.
Try something new and get into the spirit of play with your work outs, it will make them much more enjoyable.
Today's Bible verse: