We got really slammed at work, so today's will be a short note.
I'm especially thankful for my protein and greens shake since I didn't get a lunch break today.
Shakes are a great way to go when you're crunched for time and don't want to go for the cheap nutrition (or lack thereof) of easy-to-grab snacks.
Today I wanted to mention phytonutrients, aka the rainbow of colors in foods. Natural colors, that is. Each contribute to the vitamin and antioxidant powers of the food. The darker the color the better.
Try to get in at least five servings of fruits and vegetables with dark rich colors. That way you know you are filling up on phytonutrients which "reduce inflammation, rid our bodies of toxins, improve the way our bodies metabolize food and boost calorie burning."
What a deal!
For your consideration, I've included the chart below, detailing the benefits and phytonutrients of each color group.
Today's Bible verse
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
Keep at it, we can do it together!